Herrera el Mozo and the engraved cartouches preserved in the Library of the Embassy of Spain to the Holy See





Engravings, cartouches, Herrera el Mozo, decorative baroque, Rome, Agostino Mitelli


The set of engraved cartouches preserved in the Library of the Embassy of Spain to the Holy See in the manuscripts deposited in the Library of Spanish National Church of Santiago and Montserrat in Rome, represents an exceptional series of early graphic evidence of the Sevillian painter Francisco de Herrera el Mozo in Italy. They are studied here in context with the only complete proofs of the series held by the Metropolitan Museum in New York and are published in their entirety for the first time. Light is shed on their creative process and their relationship with the cartouches of other series of ornamental motifs by the Bolognese engraver Agostino Mitelli (1609-1660), dated 1636, which are key to understanding Herrera's series.


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How to Cite

Navarrete Prieto, Benito. 2023. “Herrera El Mozo and the Engraved Cartouches Preserved in the Library of the Embassy of Spain to the Holy See”. Anthologica Annua, no. 70 (December):45-61. https://doi.org/10.59530/ANTHANN.2023.70.2.


