Memory and Fiction in the Legacy of the Chapel of the Resurrection (1583-1881)




national church, memory, Rome, legacy, chapel


The article presents the legacy of the family chapel of the Portuguese converso merchant banker Antonio da Fonseca in what was once the national church of the Kingdom of Castile in Rome, Santiago de los Españoles as a project of careful memory elaboration. Through cultural patronage and the use of fiction regarding his family's past, Fonseca was able to obtain lasting grounding in the memory of the national church of Castile and the city of Rome for centuries. The publication of some unpublished documents from both the archive of the Spanish National Church and the National Historical Archive sheds light on a claim by the Amadei counts, descendants of the Fonseca family at the end of the 19th century over the chapel after the church left of being the national church of Castile in 1825. The claim of the counts, which was, for almost ten years, an important diplomatic matter between the Kingdoms of Italy, Spain and the Obra Pía. It demonstrates the extent to which the development of the memory of the Fonseca-Amadei family, together with the fictions created by the Portuguese banker, lasted several centuries.



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How to Cite

Nelson Novoa, James W. 2024. “Memory and Fiction in the Legacy of the Chapel of the Resurrection (1583-1881)”. Anthologica Annua, no. 71 (December):107-36.


